Strengthening of ASRH technical support in secondary schools in Benin - a new CSE curriculum

Through this update on my project, please read the why I chose this specific project and why it is this project that is close to my heart…
First of all let me present you my project.
My project is about on strengthening technical support for adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health in secondary schools in Benin through comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). As comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is one of the key interventions unanimously recognized as effective in adolescent sexual and reproductive health, it is important to assess its effectiveness and provide adequate solutions for its implementation. Through the method of human-centered design, my project aims to put young people at the center of the question of how well this education is carried out through the evaluation of the existing solution.

I decided to focus on this because of the rising number of early and unwanted pregnancies among adolescents, the very high number of early marriages, the low level of education of girls, the low access to reproductive health services and gender inequalities, and despite the interventions of some structures in the field of youth welfare.

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Thanks so much for sharing this, Romulus! I’m really looking forward to seeing more about your HCD method and the CSE intervention!

The project implementation strategy is based on HCD principles.

  • The first is to understand and describe the context of the solution that we are looking for through an observation strategy during biology courses in the target classes targeted by the project.
    The observation has been follow the sentence listing the difficulties with which the target is confronted by the method of questionnaires and interviews. This has allow me to assess what young people need. This made it possible to draw up a report which was the subject of advocacy at the level of local political and administrative decision-makers to hold periodic sessions of comprehensive sex education for adolescents and young people…
  • The second was to define the requirements of the desired solution in a kind of vision or goal that the designed product wants to achieve
  • The penultimate step has been to design solutions together: that was the CSE implementation.
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This is exciting! Well in Romulus :clap:

This is exciting Romulus. Looking forward to the exhibition!