
The framework is a practical guiding document. Across the nine Quality domains, there are corresponding tips and resources.

We’ll be sharing these resources here before and after the launch! :books:

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Youth as equal partners

Principle: Engage youth as design partners

Explanation: Project teams should engage young people both as team members and co-design/ research participants throughout the design and implementation process in order to ensure solutions are reflective of the needs and preferences of young people. Involving young people as partners not only provides them with the skills to co-design and make decisions with adult team members but also allows them to work with their peers to navigate ASRH challenges.


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Inclusive and equitable design

Principle: Ensure equitable inclusion of different subsets of young people.

Explanation: Within the population of interest, project teams need to be intentional about which vulnerable groups to include (e.g, those out of school, or living with disabilities) and representing subsets of young people that are a priority to the particular challenge at hand. These subgroups need to be involved in the design of solutions as well as benefit from the resulting ASRH programming. The consideration and implementation of inclusivity throughout the HCD process increases accessibility among different youth subsets.



Principle: Develop and implement safeguarding plans for young people.

Explanation: Project teams should engage young people in a safe and ethical manner, paying particular attention to differentials in power and agency between young research participants, youth team members, and adult team members due to factors such as age, socioeconomic status, language, and education levels. Those commissioning, conducting, and funding HCD for ASRH have a shared responsibility to protect the safety, dignity, and wellbeing of young people, as research participants, as team members, and as intended users of the program being designed and/or evaluated. The focus on ethics and safeguarding requires intentional training, planning, protocol development, and preparation throughout the HCD process for young research participants, youth team members, and users.


Child Protection and Safeguarding

Trauma-informed Design


Iterative approach

Principle: Embrace an iterative approach to program design and implementation

Explanation: Project teams, particularly implementing partners, must adopt a design mindset that leads with curiosity, questions assumptions, defers judgment, and is rooted in co-creation. Throughout all phases of the HCD process, it is essential to uphold an iterative mindset that allows for continual learning and refinement. Specifically, project teams need to use flexible and evolving approaches in order to respond to the HCD findings as they emerge.


Data and secondary evidence

Principle: Integrate primary and secondary learnings and evidence.

Explanation: Project teams should use secondary evidence and consult with technical experts throughout the project life cycle in order to advance the sector’s understanding of an existing challenge. Use of evidence helps enhance design efficacy and ensures that the lessons learned from the field of public health are acknowledged.


Engagement of stakeholders

Principle: Engage the ecosystem of influencers

Explanation: Project teams need to take into consideration the broader ecosystem in which young people live and engage the stakeholders within that ecosystem. Involving government and community stakeholders early in the design process increases the perceived value of the project and can pave the way toward sustainability of the intervention. Additionally, project teams need to consult with key influencers in young people’s lives (e.g., parents, teachers, romantic partners) in order to increase the robustness of the solution concepts and the likelihood of solution uptake by the intended beneficiary.
