How might we institutionalise and operationalise the framework in an accountable way?

  1. Do you recommend donor/programmers hire external consultants to ensure this process is followed to the utmost?
  2. Based on this framework, how would you fund AYSRH programs differently? Also, what would you encourage other donors to do?
  3. How might you measure quality?

In response to question 1, @NicoleIppoliti_YLabs said:

Perhaps the first thing that we would advocate for is, now that you’ve been exposed to this framework, go back to your teams and use it as a starting point for a discussion. Think about doing an audit sitting down together and saying, “Okay, where are we already meeting the mark? And where do we need to improve upon? What kind of small changes or pivots can we make to the way that we actually do things? And what’s going to take a more concentrated lift?” Make sure that there’s budgeting, internal time and resources to make those improvements and adjustments.

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In response to question 2, Dr. Tracy Johnson from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said:

At least from my side, I am trying to make more space within funding and timeline for the bringing together of different disciplines (principle 7) to ensure that we are being aware of the changing lives of adolescents (and in some cases other vulnerable populations as well). By expressing our commitment to the framework, we also understand that what comes with that is that there’s going to probably be necessary changes in how we structure and resource such projects. It will take more time, more opportunity to pause and reflect as to whether we are being true to the principles, and the opportunity to pivot if and when appropriate. And that’s something I look forward to working with you all to see how we can make those changes in the most productive way possible.

In response to question 3, @NicoleIppoliti_YLabs said:

I think of a forthcoming product of this framework once now that we’ve released it is to definitely affix some indicators for each principle.