Helpful terms & definitions

We understand that sometimes language in webinars can feel technical or a bit daunting for some audience members - or maybe there is no one right definition! We wanted to help ease this by providing a couple of definitions for key terms ahead of time so that we can all come to the webinar feeling like we’re on the same page!

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How are adolescents and insights defined in HCD+ASRH?

An adolescent is defined as any person between ages 10 to 19. Written documents also refer to youth, or persons aged 15 to 24 years and the term ‘young people’ combines the adolescent and youth age groups to include persons aged 10 to 24 years (World Health Organization, 2006). For the purpose of this webinar, we focus on adolescents as defined above unless we specify different age groups in the discussion.

Insights refer to information that helps ASRH practitioners and designers gain a detailed and personal understanding of the target population. These are often categorized as adolescent needs, aspirations, desires, and preferences. Practitioners within the HCD+ASRH field of practice highlight that insights generated through HCD are often expected to introduce new, user-centered framing of a problem or an experience, that will add value to the program.

Here are some perceptions and definitions of insights from our interview respondents:

"Insights are pieces of information that allow for new ways of looking at a problem and new understandings about the population we’re trying to reach. It is information that is gathered through talking with that population, and then really listening to them, and trying to get beneath the surface sometimes of what is actually being said to what’s driving behavior and action.” - Technical Advisor, Ethiopia

"Insights are learnings that capture adolescent needs, experiences, attitudes around SRH and ASRH programs.”- Research and Evaluation Lead, South Africa

"An insight in HCD needs to be rooted in people’s lives and lived experiences. It is something that brings the user voice to the forefront, and is actionable…I think in the HCD context an insight should seek to inspire action.”- Designer, India

Co-creation: - The practice of collaborating with other stakeholders groups to guide the design process. A key advantage of this is that solutions or interventions are relevant to the stakeholder groups therefore supporting buy-in