Helpful resources

Before the event, we’ll be sharing a number of useful reports, guides, and other resources to help set the scene for this discussion. Be sure to check them out!


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From Matthew & Fifi:

A360 is on a learning journey, and have committed to being radically transparent even if this is uncomfortable sometimes.

As we learn, our thinking evolves. In recent months we have been giving a lot of thought to metrics. A360 is more than a service delivery program – we exist to support health systems to be more responsive to the unique needs of adolescent girls and to generate evidence and learning others can utilise.

But how do you measure the service delivery component of an adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) intervention?

Here’s what we are learning: the value of an ASRH intervention goes well beyond first-time users.


Human-centered design in international development: a review of what works and what doesn’t

From Matthew & Fifi at A360:

As we continue thinking about the value of an ASRH intervention, this article from Itad takes a critical look at the application of the HCD process in international development, across multiple sectors, to understand what is working and what is not working, and to see under what conditions the application of HCD could lead to better outcomes.

Broken down into four sections - what has worked well in applying HCD to international development; what hasn’t worked well in applying HCD to international development; critical success factors and some ideas on what organizations should consider when taking forward HCD - this article is a great resource for those working in the HCD space.


A360 Learnings - Gates Open Research article

More on designing responsive and adaptive evaluations, here: Monitoring and evaluation: five reality checks for adaptive management | ODI: Think change

Watch this space! A360 will be publishing its own adaptive implementation manual next month. In the meantime, you can find some great resources at Resources - The Curve

Hi all, regarding a question the webinar about indicators for measuring adaptation, I flagged some resources from USAID Collaboration, Adaptation and Learning (CLA) Framework. These are somewhat high-level but may useful as starting points:

And here is a framework for assessing readiness for Developmental Evaluation (Spark Policy Institute) that provides a useful framework for thinking about assessing adaptiveness among partners orgs and how that might change overtime from baseline to endline of a project that may involve HCD. Could be adapted to the HCD context I think


Thank you Ashwin! This is resourceful indeed.