Ask us anything!

Members of the Quality and Standards Working Group and the HCDExchange will be coming on in the weeks leading up to the event to answer your questions and see what members are interested in learning about. :thinking: :bulb:

We’ll also be having an open Q&A during the webinar itself - if we don’t get to your question then, we’ll make sure to follow up with answers here to keep the discussion going.

One question that I keep thinking about is how might we leverage this framework to ensure that projects and organizations are committing to these principles? What can donors of HCD+ASRH projects, implementers, designers, and evaluators do to institutionalize and operationalize these standards in an accountable way?

Nicole: Perhaps the first thing that we would advocate for is, now that you’ve been exposed to this framework, go back to your teams and use it as a starting point for a discussion. Think about doing an audit sitting down together and saying, “Okay, where are we already meeting the mark? And where do we need to improve upon? What kind of small changes or pivots can we make to the way that we actually do things? And what’s going to take a more concentrated lift?” Make sure that there’s budgeting, internal time and resources to make those improvements and adjustments.

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Some great questions came in during the audience Q&A from the launch webinar:

  1. Were there any unexpected insights or differences that emerged during the process?

  2. How might you measure quality?

Q1: Were there any unexpected insights or differences that emerged during the process?

Dr. Shola Olabode-Dada from YLabs said:

We did have some interesting insights in terms of how the themes of the principles emerged. We didn’t even think that specifically with the interdisciplinary perspectives having different disciplines involved, there were different views on whether that should actually be a principle, because it’s so challenging to involve different disciplines throughout the whole design process. Even though there was tension, especially when we were conducting the expert interviews, people had good experiences, people had more challenging experiences. But we found that it would be a helpful principle because it is something that people were doing. So it was a common practice but people needed some guidance on how to do it and that’s why we included it as a principle. Even with the documentation principle, it is challenging to document the process of HCD. But we found that it was helpful to provide people with some guidance, if possible.

Q2: How might you measure quality?

Nicole: I think of a forthcoming product of this framework once now that we’ve released it is to definitely afix some indicators for each principle.

Anne: An additional learning area for the the community has been around measurement, evaluation monitoring in the context of this programme area and this issue around how do you pin down quality standards and the contribution of HCD to those kinds of things is one of the burning questions that we’re working on. And we have a number of learning products that are coming out to frame some of these issues and some of the learning in that space.